Hollyfrost is our signature family-friendly event that sees out the winter and welcomes back the sun.
A full day of fun and adventure. Beginning at 10am:
Market stalls ! Do some shopping with these unique stalls, find just what you are looking for.
Workshops for Kids and Adults include: Besom making, Yule decorations, Noisemakers, Holly Crown, Hexenbrut Dance workshop! More to come!
Outdoor fun and games for all ages so bring your cold weather gear for some outside fun.
The Witch Dance Performers ! Just like the Wolfshäger Hexenbrut dancers..
Add your decoration to the Yule tree and join us in friendship and community.
The Holly King will be there to distribute gifts for all ages.
WARNING :!! if you bring any children who have been naughty, Krampus may just show up. We cannot be responsible for any children that Krampus may steal away for dinner.
Dinner is simple but warming fare, keeping costs low and spirits high. Wash it down with some divine, warm non-alcoholic wassail and some great company.
Then you can kick back, find a spot outside by the fire, join in the conversation and enjoy the drum circle.
What to bring:
- Warm clothes to sit outside by the fire or for outdoor activities
- Drum or noisemakers for the Drumming Circle
For Security reasons, you must login to this website in order to purchase tickets.
- If you already have a user account, please log in using the LOG IN button in the top right of the window.
- If you don’t, please go to the JOIN PAN page, and take up the FREE MEMBERSHIP option
- If you are already a PAN member but don’t yet have a user account on the website, please take up the FREE MEMBERSHIP and then use the contact form on the website to request we link your free account to your paid membership.
To save a tree, we aren’t issuing tickets. All we need is your name when you arrive and we will check you in at the door.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult
- Child supervision is the responsibility of the accompanying adult
- PAN membership entitles you to one discounted adult ticket (unless you have a family membership) – please supply your member number. Please contact us if you have lost your member number.
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Pagan Awareness Network reserve all rights to:
1. Refuse any entry, admission or participation in the Event at our sole discretion, with or without cause;
2. Amend or modify the terms and conditions of entry, admission or participation in the Event or any competition rules;
3. Re-schedule, alter, postpone or cancel the Event or any part of it; and
4. Disclaim all liability, to the fullest extent legally permissible, for any loss, damage, injury or claim arising from or in connection with the entry, promotion, attendance or participation in the Event.
Bookings are closed for this event.