This two-day intensive explores the Witch as the Seer, the Vessel and the Caster of Spells. Together we will delve deeply beyond the Veil to acquire the Gift of Sacred Sight and ignite the Seer within. We will cleanse, clear and align Self with All-Self and become the Holy Vessel to the Hidden, Mysterious and Mighty Potencies – to draw down/in the Gods and Spirits and to allow for direct interface and intimacy with the human community. We will also reclaim the sorcery inherent in our Craft and learn tried and true techniques for successful and ecstatic spellcraft – to wilfully and willingly weave with the strands of the Web and work with the Will of God Herself to attain to Desire, fulfil Necessity and affect Change.
In order to attend this intensive you must have a foundational magical practice that is alive to you and a conscious and tended relationship with your Spirits.
Waged: $250
Partially waged: $170-200
Unwaged: $150
There will be two places reserved for Trans/Indigenous/People of Colour/Activist/Queer/Single Parents who require financial assistance.
Contact to register.
About the teacher:
Fio, who writes and teaches under their birth name Gede Parma, has been teaching workshops and intensives on ecstatic witchcraft, oracular and possessory technique, and sorcerous spellcraft for over a decade internationally. They are the current Lucifer (Magister) of a Traditional Witch covenant within the Wildwood Tradition and a trained Reclaiming and WitchCamp teacher. He descends from powerful and wondrous families hailing from Bali, Ireland, Scotland, and England. They recently moved to invaded land whose First Peoples are the Wurundjeri, the Traditional Owners of the place called Melbourne. Fio is a published author, a contemporary dancer in training, and a very queer witchcraft nerd.