Make a Bequest

You don’t need to be wealthy or alone to leave a bequest to the Pagan Awareness Network.

What Kind of Gift can I Leave?


Cater for your loved ones first and leave us whatever is leftover.


Specify a set percentage to allow your gift to maximise as your estate matures.


Specify an exact amount from your estate, big or small.


Do you have an occult library, a lifetime of pagan rituals, ritual tools or pagan items that need a safe home once you depart for the Summerland? The Pagan Awareness Network would love to receive them. You can even tell us how you want them to be managed – we can gift them specifically to new people to the craft, offer selected items as prizes at events and let fate take a hand in finding them a new home, use the items for fundraising, or simply find them a loving, respectful home.

How do I make the Bequest?

Simply update your will and notify your family and loved ones – good communication will ensure your final wishes are carried out.

I [insert name] bequeath to The Pagan Awareness Network Inc ABN 23 557 117 491 for its general purposes (or name a specific purpose) [Choose the appropriate statement from the list below]
  • the whole of my estate
  • (insert number) percentage of my estate
  • the residue of my estate
  • the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash)
  • my (insert name of asset)
free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other executive officer shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).