Nowruz is an ancient celebration which began in greater Iran some 15,000 years ago. It marks the beginning of astronomical spring is about celebrating and reaffirming ties with nature and with friends and family. It is a public holiday in several countries and has been recognised by UNESCO as part of Humanity’s Intangible Cultural History.
The Pagan Awareness Network supports marriage equality
We recognise the right of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) volunteers and members, and members of the wider community, to live and work free of prejudice and discrimination. This includes the right to marry the partner of their choice.
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PAN at the Parliament of the World’s Religions

The Parliament of the World’s Religions brings together the world’s religious and spiritual communities, to a gathering where peace, diversity and sustainability are discussed and explored in the context of interreligious understanding and cooperation.
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