Winter Solstice marks the time for the Dark Goddess and honouring the Underworld, with all its challenges and gifts. Mysteries are held in the dark places – night, and the turn of the year, in caves, and deep within ourselves. The Dark Goddess is a powerful figure in myths of many cultures, always necessary for the balance, always feared and sometimes revered. She holds the magic of death and regeneration.
We have all felt the influence of the Dark Goddess in our lives – times when everything has been stripped away from us and we’ve been immobilised, waiting… and eventually, we were reborn. What is it like to seek her out, to take the steps into the Underworld deliberately, in ritual? What happens when we ask to learn her powerful lessons of surrender, death, and initiation?
This workshop will include discussion, sharing in small groups, personal process, and ritual.
Bring a small offering for the Dark Goddess. (* an offering is a ritual item that is not returned to you. Usually it has some value for you. It could be a stone, feather, poem, flower, or other item…)
Tickets at: https://tinyurl.com/yvm4kdkr
Jane Meredith is the bestselling author of Journey to the Dark Goddess. Her other books include: Aspecting the Goddess, Aphrodite’s Magic, Elements of Magic, and Circle of Eight. She lives in Northern NSW and adores rivers and dark chocolate, magic and myth, white cockatoos and books. Her website is: www.janemeredith.com