The circles are all about promoting greater understanding in the community about what Witches do in their circles. By championing these circles, PAN helps to show both the local and abroad community what Paganism is all about. These circles also provide a safe and friendly networking environment for those wishing to make contact with other like minded people in the Pagan community.
How do we manage to do this each month? PAN’s full moon circles are covered by the association’s public liability insurance as one of its public events and run by a dedicated team of volunteers. The Full Moon Circles are self funding. Tools for the circles including lanterns and food come from the donations made at each circle. Without the incorporated association and its insurance, as well as the participants support, PAN’s public circles would cease.
What goes on at the circles? It varies from month to month, but rest assured that you will never be asked to do anything you don’t want to. Participation is purely optional and you may respectfully watch from outside the circle if you do not wish to join in. Our circles, although reasonably tradition non-specific, include basic circle casting, meditation, group energy work and the all important sharing of food and drink.
Who can come? Anyone! We only ask that you respect others and enter with an open mind
What do I bring
An open mind and an open heart. Yourself basically, you can wear robes or regular clothes. Everything else is supplied. You could bring a few coins for the donation box. No prior learning or experience is required just say hi when you get there.