Spheres of Light (SOL) is an eclectic witchcraft organisation whose members include a combination of Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Luciferians, Shamans etc who come together to share experiences, understandings and teachings. We have been most fortunate over the years to experience different rituals utilising the energies from a wide variety of systems. Spheres Of Light is proud to be an Affiliate Subcommittee of the Pagan Awareness Network Inc.
SOL holds regular open Full Moon Circles (meaning all Pagans are welcome to attend) in southern Sydney, Nowra and Canberra on the Friday before each Full Moon.
Time: please arrive at 7:45pm for an 8:00pm start.
What to Bring: a plate of food and/or drink (non-alcoholic) to share at supper afterwards.
What to wear: casual attire – cloaks/robes/ritual clothes may also be worn if desired.
Website: spheresoflight.com.au Please click here if you would like to see our current ritual format or read any of our past rituals.
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/SpheresOfLight
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/SOLCanberra
If you are new to the circle and wish to attend or would like further information please contact Jane…
Email: spheresoflight.canberra@gmail.com
(Please Note: you must be over 18 years of age to attend.)