Read and download our various publications.
The Small Tapestry Member Magazine
The Small Tapestry is our quarterly member’s magazine, containing material submitted by both PAN members and people from the wider pagan community. PAN publishes this information-packed publication for our members four times a year as part of their membership.
Interested in contributing articles or advertising? Read More…
Handfastings – A Guide For Couples
“Handfasting” is a self-explanatory term – the joining of a couple’s hands is an ancient symbol of union between two people. It is from this very old custom we get the expression “tying the knot”. Read More…
Information brochures available for download
These may be freely viewed or downloaded. They explain common pagan topics to people not familiar with Paganism. They can help people get the information they need to find a safe way to enter and interact with the Pagan community.
For instance you might want to give the ‘Safety in the Circle’ pamphlet to a Pagan friend who is too trusting of strangers.
Contact us if you have suggestions for other topics or have feedback.